Foot Problems

Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries are painful and common. We will thoroughly assess to diagnose whether it is a soft tissue or fracture injury and can treat accordingly with support taping, casts or walker boots.

An important part of recovery which is often overseen with ankle injuries is to re-strengthening and rehabilitation to ensure you do not re-injure the ankle or have ongoing pain. We will provide you with a series of strengthening activities and exercises to ensure you heal and recover well!


Arthritis, Gout and Joint Pain

Unfortunately Arthritis and Joint pain is something that many people face in their older years as foot deformities begin to develop on their feet. (Sometimes on the young too!) This can include but not limited to conditions such as:

Gout, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bunions, hammer toes, clawed digits etc, Lumps, bumps and joints that have changed shape.

But it does not mean that there is no way of reducing pain. If the deformity is already occurring it is important to have a podiatry check up to determine what is the cause of the change of the foot structure and function and what can be done to reduce pressure on this area to alleviate pain.

If you have started to notice changes in your foot structure, shape or size, even if you don’t have pain it is important to have a check up to ensure your feet are healthy and functioning correctly. Prevent in this case is much easier than cure.

If you decide you would like to explore your surgical options, Rose Bay Podiatry is happy to refer you on to a reliable team of podiatric and orthopaedic surgeons which can guide you further.



“Bunions” is the term used to describe the condition Hallux Abducto-Valgus or (HAV). This is a condition typically recognised by the lump which develops at the ball of the foot, and the positional change of the big toe drifting toward the 2nd toe.

It is a common condition that can be very painful, makes it difficult to fit into footwear, and makes the foot very unstable. Bunions can arise at any age and progress at varying rates.

There are many risk factors in the development of bunions, the most common being Genetics, along with foot type, unsupportive or restrictive footwear, trauma to the foot and lifestyle.

There are a variety of options in treatment of bunions. We recommend the most suitable options to individual patients depending on foot type, stage of development, level of pain and a number of other factors. Treatments can include:

Footwear recommendations, Orthotics to support the foot, Taping, Referral for surgical opinion/correction.


Children's Feet

We are a CHILD-FRIENDLY CLINIC and see many children of varying ages.

We offer a discount for our consults kids under 12.

The most common questions we are asked:

At what age should you have your child checked by a podiatrist? At any age that you have a concern or question. We see babies as young as a few months old with concerns of foot development, crawling concerns, and then on to walking delays or abnormalities and foot posture concerns.

When should I put shoes on my child? Shoes provide protection to the foot when the child starts walking. Before this time and sock or booty is fine to keep feet warm. Even once the child starts walking, it is fine and healthy to have them barefoot if in a warm and safe environment. soft soled/first walker shoes are recommended if outside.

Do I need to have shoes fitted professionally? We recommend having your child’s foot checked for size by a professional children’s footwear shop around every 3 months for the first 3 years. If you feel you need your child’s foot checked due to concerns in shoe wear or foot position, please have an assessment with us.

Is my child’s foot flat? Babies start life with a ‘fat pad’ in the arch of their foot, so it will often appear flat but can be totally normal. For peace of mind, it is always worth getting them assessed if you are concerned, especially if there is a family history of flat feet, or your child is complaining of any pain.

Throughout childhood and growth stages, foot injuries can be common.

If you notice any of the below concerns, it is worth having your child assessed:

  • Excessive wearing of footwear
  • Complains of tired aching legs or feet
  • Feet look like they are “rolling in” or “flat-footed”
  • Any sporting injuries In the feet, knees, hips, or lower back
  • Complains of walking difficulties or has a tendency to trip over
  • Has had pain in their feet, ankles, knees, or hips are doing sporting activities
  • Nail or skin concerns on their feet
  • Has previously worn or currently wears orthotics
  • If you would like footwear or exercise advice


Corns, Callous and Cracked Heels

Corns, Callous and Cracked heels are things we see A LOT. They are annoying, unsightly, and sometimes VERY painful! Corns differ to callus in that they form a central core (a cone shape) that pushes into deeper levels of skin. The pain that you may feel is that of walking on a pebble.

The reasons why you are developing calloused, cracked skin or corns is varied, but can include:

Wearing open heeled sandals or thongs or no shoes (the main cause of cracked heels), Dehydrated skin, You man have a genetic skin type prone to developing calloused or dry skin, Irritation or compression from ill fitting footwear, Certain medical conditions, Smoking.


See our ‘Skin and Nail Treatment’ or ‘Medical Pedicure’ for treatment

(Please avoid DIY jobs at home. We see many people who have attempted to remove themselves, even with over-the-counter treatments like corn pad and plasters, or treatments claiming to peel layers of skin away. We DO NOT RECOMMEND and can be dangerous)

We will provide individual advice and treatment to you as to the best way to treat in the short term and long term to prevent reocurrence, and leave your feet healthy and smooth.


Flat Feet

We often see patients concerned about ‘Flat Feet’. This is a generic term used along with ‘Rolling In’ or ‘Over Pronation’.

When podiatrists assess a foot, there is a position we look for called a ‘neutral’ foot type.  Everybody’s foot will fit somewhere on the scale from extremely flat, neutral or highly supinated or ‘high arched’ and anywhere in between.

Just because you have one foot type or another does not necessarily mean you will have pain or problems, but it can give us an idea of how your foot is functioning

Sometime a persons foot type like this can lead to pain and injuries due to strain and overuse of muscles, ligament and tendons along with wear and tear on joints and poor shock absorption.

After a thorough assessment and history our podiatrists can establish the foot type of you or your childs foot, and can advise on most suitable footwear, stretches and possibly issue arch supports or orthotics if they are required.


Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections can often present as thickened, yellowed, and deformed or nails with a damaged appearance.

Fungal infections are caused by ‘fungal spores’, the infection is very contagious with direct or indirect contact. This means it is important to avoid touching affected toenails with your hands and importantly, avoid nail salons who don’t sterilise, and DO NOT SHARE nail polish, base coat or any instruments that are not medically sterilised.

We have seen a huge growth in the number of patients in the last five years who present to our clinic with these nail concerns, mostly due to the introduction of many nail bars and beauty salons which cut nails and give pedicure treatments without using sterilised equipment.

By seeing a podiatrist they can correctly diagnose your condition, and offer appropriate treatment options which have been shown to work in a clinical setting.

Many patients leave their damaged nails with the hope that they will improve on their own but often the condition worsens over time and can spread to other toes and even other family members.

These changes are some of the common signs of a fungal nail infection:

Thickened nails, White spots on nails, Lifting of the nail plate either partially or the whole nail, Yellow, brown or green discolouration of the nail, Black mark on the nail, Callous building up underneath your nail, Ridges or bumps on your nails, Dry, brittle or flaking nails.


Ingrown toenails

Rose bay Podiatry-Ingrown-Toenail

Ingrown toenails are a common problem which can be very painful and chronic if left untreated and result in a secondary bacterial infection, causing it to be puffy red and swollen. It can be due to a variety of causes including nail shape and poor toenail cutting technique.

For some patients this can be simply removing the nail portion of the nail that is digging in and can be usually be done quickly and relatively painlessly in a general visit. Often relief is immediate and with the right advice can sometimes be resolved permanently.

For ingrown toenails which are chronic or due to nail shape this might require regular visits to maintain nail shape or a permanent solution of nail-surgery can be discussed with your podiatrist.


Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

Heel pain can range from a mild occasional pain to debilitating pain causing you to limp. It is a very common complaint we see as podiatrists, and THE MOST important step is to accurately diagnose what the pain is and what tissue is affected. Only then can accurate treatment and management be undertaken.

The most common causes are:

Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar fascial tear, Achilles Tendonitis, Nerve entrapment, Tibialis posterior tendonitis or dysfunction, Heel Spurs, Tarsal tunnel Syndrome

Diagnosis will be made by the podiatrist after a thorough assessment and history is taken. We may then refer you for further imaging, x-rays, ultrasounds or scans.

Once we establish the cause and an accurate diagnosis we will work with you to heal and manage the cause of the injury to prevent future reoccurrence.


Shin Splints

Commonly presenting as exercise-induced lower leg pain on the front, lower third of the leg. Usually, the foot function or footwear can be to blame for the onset of shin splints.

Shin splints is an umbrella term used for pain in this area, but there are 3 very different injuries that can be at the root of the pain.

1) Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) – in very basic terms, this is where  the muscle that attaches into the leg bone is being overused and becomes inflamed/torn at the insertion to the bone

2) Tibial Stress Fractures – Stress fractures in the bone of the lower leg.

3) Compartment syndrome – tightness of the membrane the encapsulates the muscles at the front of the lower leg.

Our podiatrists will thoroughly assess your feet, biomechanics, footwear and take a detailed history including training regime. Imaging may be used to assist diagnosis such as ultrasound, x-ray or MRI.

Once a diagnosis is established we will provide a customised treatment plan and a guided return to activity.


Plantar Warts

Warts are annoying, especially ‘Plantar Warts’ which are warts on the foot. Also commonly known as ‘verruca’

Warts are a viral infection that has invaded and set up home in you skin cells and your immune system has not yet recognised there is an invader.

In children, warts are more responsive to treatment, in adults they can be a little more stubborn.

The FIRST most important step is a correct diagnoses. WE too often see people who have been incorrectly treating corns or hard skin as a wart and wondering why they weren’t responding to ‘dry ice’ or other painful treatments (when really corns and hard skin are completely different and can usually be easily removed).

After diagnosis, we will offer you the range of treatments available, the pros and cons of each and get started on ridding these nasty things from your feet!


Female feet on the soft bed linen

Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries are painful and common. We will thoroughly assess to diagnose whether it is a soft tissue or fracture injury and can treat accordingly with support taping, casts or walker boots.

An important part of recovery which is often overseen with ankle injuries is to re-strengthening and rehabilitation to ensure you do not re-injure the ankle or have ongoing pain. We will provide you with a series of strengthening activities and exercises to ensure you heal and recover well!

Arthritis, Gout and Joint Pain

Unfortunately Arthritis and Joint pain is something that many people face in their older years as foot deformities begin to develop on their feet. (Sometimes on the young too!) This can include but not limited to conditions such as:

Gout, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bunions, hammer toes, clawed digits etc, Lumps, bumps and joints that have changed shape.

But it does not mean that there is no way of reducing pain. If the deformity is already occurring it is important to have a podiatry check up to determine what is the cause of the change of the foot structure and function and what can be done to reduce pressure on this area to alleviate pain.

If you have started to notice changes in your foot structure, shape or size, even if you don’t have pain it is important to have a check up to ensure your feet are healthy and functioning correctly. Prevent in this case is much easier than cure.

If you decide you would like to explore your surgical options, Rose Bay Podiatry is happy to refer you on to a reliable team of podiatric and orthopaedic surgeons which can guide you further.

Female feet on the soft bed linen


“Bunions” is the term used to describe the condition Hallux Abducto-Valgus or (HAV). This is a condition typically recognised by the lump which develops at the ball of the foot, and the positional change of the big toe drifting toward the 2nd toe.

It is a common condition that can be very painful, makes it difficult to fit into footwear, and makes the foot very unstable. Bunions can arise at any age and progress at varying rates.

There are many risk factors in the development of bunions, the most common being Genetics, along with foot type, unsupportive or restrictive footwear, trauma to the foot and lifestyle.

There are a variety of options in treatment of bunions. We recommend the most suitable options to individual patients depending on foot type, stage of development, level of pain and a number of other factors. Treatments can include:

Footwear recommendations, Orthotics to support the foot, Taping, Referral for surgical opinion/correction.

Children’s Feet

We are a CHILD FRIENDLY CLINIC and see many children of varying ages.

We offer a discount for our consults kids under 12.

The most common questions we are asked:

At what age should you have your child checked by a podiatrist? At any age that you have a concern or question. We see babies as young as a few months old with concerns of foot development, crawling concerns and then on to walking delays or abnormalities and foot posture concerns.

When should I put shoes on my child? Shoes provide protection to the foot when the child starts walking. Before this time and sock or booty is fine to keep feet warm. Even once the child starts walking, it is fine and healthy to have them barefoot if in a warm and safe environment. soft soled/first walker shoes are recommended if outside.

Do I need to have shoes fitted professionally? We recommend having your childs foot checked for size  by a professional children footwear shop around every 3 months for the first 3 years. If you feel you need your childs foot checked due to concerns in shoe wear or foot position, please have an assessment with us.

Is my childs foot flat? Babies start life with a ‘fat pad’ in the arch of their foot, so it will often appear flat, but can be totally normal. For peace of mind, it is always worth getting them assessed if you are concerned, especially if there is a family history of flat feet, or your child is complaining of any pain.

Throughout childhood and growth stages, foot injuries can be common.

If you notice any of the below concerns, it is worth having your child assessed:

  • Excessive wearing of footwear
  • Complains of tired aching legs or feet
  • Feet look like they are “rolling in” or “flat footed”
  • Any sporting injuries In the feet, knees, hips or lower back
  • Complains of walking difficulties or has a tendency to trip over
  • Has had pain in their feet, ankles, knees or hips are doing sporting activities
  • Nail or skin concerns on their feet
  • Has previously worn or currently wears orthotics
  • If you would like footwear or exercise advice
Female feet on the soft bed linen

Corns, Callous and Cracked Heels

Corns, Callous and Cracked heels are things we see A LOT. They are annoying, unsightly, and sometimes VERY painful! Corns differ to callus in that they form a central core (a cone shape) that pushes into deeper levels of skin. The pain that you may feel is that of walking on a pebble.

The reasons why you are developing calloused, cracked skin or corns is varied, but can include:

Wearing open heeled sandals or thongs or no shoes (the main cause of cracked heels), Dehydrated skin, You man have a genetic skin type prone to developing calloused or dry skin, Irritation or compression from ill fitting footwear, Certain medical conditions, Smoking.


See our ‘Skin and Nail Treatment’ or ‘Medical Pedicure’ for treatment

(Please avoid DIY jobs at home. We see many people who have attempted to remove themselves, even with over-the-counter treatments like corn pad and plasters, or treatments claiming to peel layers of skin away. We DO NOT RECOMMEND and can be dangerous)

We will provide individual advice and treatment to you as to the best way to treat in the short term and long term to prevent reocurrence, and leave your feet healthy and smooth.

Flat Feet

We often see patients concerned about ‘Flat Feet’. This is a generic term used along with ‘Rolling In’ or ‘Over Pronation’.

When podiatrists assess a foot, there is a position we look for called a ‘neutral’ foot type.  Everybody’s foot will fit somewhere on the scale from extremely flat, neutral or highly supinated or ‘high arched’ and anywhere in between.

Just because you have one foot type or another does not necessarily mean you will have pain or problems, but it can give us an idea of how your foot is functioning

Sometime a persons foot type like this can lead to pain and injuries due to strain and overuse of muscles, ligament and tendons along with wear and tear on joints and poor shock absorption.

After a thorough assessment and history our podiatrists can establish the foot type of you or your childs foot, and can advise on most suitable footwear, stretches and possibly issue arch supports or orthotics if they are required.

Rose bay Podiatry-Ingrown-Toenail
Female feet on the soft bed linen

Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections can often present as thickened, yellowed, and deformed or nails with a damaged appearance.

Fungal infections are caused by ‘fungal spores’, the infection is very contagious with direct or indirect contact. This means it is important to avoid touching affected toenails with your hands and importantly, avoid nail salons who don’t sterilise, and DO NOT SHARE nail polish, base coat or any instruments that are not medically sterilised.

We have seen a huge growth in the number of patients in the last five years who present to our clinic with these nail concerns, mostly due to the introduction of many nail bars and beauty salons which cut nails and give pedicure treatments without using sterilised equipment.

By seeing a podiatrist they can correctly diagnose your condition, and offer appropriate treatment options which have been shown to work in a clinical setting.

Many patients leave their damaged nails with the hope that they will improve on their own but often the condition worsens over time and can spread to other toes and even other family members.

These changes are some of the common signs of a fungal nail infection:

Thickened nails, White spots on nails, Lifting of the nail plate either partially or the whole nail, Yellow, brown or green discolouration of the nail, Black mark on the nail, Callous building up underneath your nail, Ridges or bumps on your nails, Dry, brittle or flaking nails.

Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails are a common problem which can be very painful and chronic if left untreated and result in a secondary bacterial infection, causing it to be puffy red and swollen. It can be due to a variety of causes including nail shape and poor toenail cutting technique.

For some patients this can be simply removing the nail portion of the nail that is digging in and can be usually be done quickly and relatively painlessly in a general visit. Often relief is immediate and with the right advice can sometimes be resolved permanently.

For ingrown toenails which are chronic or due to nail shape this might require regular visits to maintain nail shape or a permanent solution of nail-surgery can be discussed with your podiatrist.

Rose bay Podiatry-Ingrown-Toenail
Female feet on the soft bed linen

Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

Heel pain can range from a mild occasional pain to debilitating pain causing you to limp. It is a very common complaint we see as podiatrists, and THE MOST important step is to accurately diagnose what the pain is and what tissue is affected. Only then can accurate treatment and management be undertaken.

The most common causes are:

Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar fascial tear, Achilles Tendonitis, Nerve entrapment, Tibialis posterior tendonitis or dysfunction, Heel Spurs, Tarsal tunnel Syndrome

Diagnosis will be made by the podiatrist after a thorough assessment and history is taken. We may then refer you for further imaging, x-rays, ultrasounds or scans.

Once we establish the cause and an accurate diagnosis we will work with you to heal and manage the cause of the injury to prevent future reoccurrence.

Shin Splints

Commonly presenting as exercise-induced lower leg pain on the front, lower third of the leg. Usually, the foot function or footwear can be to blame for the onset of shin splints.

Shin splints is an umbrella term used for pain in this area, but there are 3 very different injuries that can be at the root of the pain.

1) Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) – in very basic terms, this is where  the muscle that attaches into the leg bone is being overused and becomes inflamed/torn at the insertion to the bone

2) Tibial Stress Fractures – Stress fractures in the bone of the lower leg.

3) Compartment syndrome – tightness of the membrane the encapsulates the muscles at the front of the lower leg.

Our podiatrists will thoroughly assess your feet, biomechanics, footwear and take a detailed history including training regime. Imaging may be used to assist diagnosis such as ultrasound, x-ray or MRI.

Once a diagnosis is established we will provide a customised treatment plan and a guided return to activity.

Rose bay Podiatry-Toe-surgery
Female feet on the soft bed linen

Plantar Warts

Warts are annoying, especially ‘Plantar Warts’ which are warts on the foot. Also commonly known as ‘verruca’

Warts are a viral infection that has invaded and set up home in you skin cells and your immune system has not yet recognised there is an invader.

In children, warts are more responsive to treatment, in adults they can be a little more stubborn.

The FIRST most important step is a correct diagnoses. WE too often see people who have been incorrectly treating corns or hard skin as a wart and wondering why they weren’t responding to ‘dry ice’ or other painful treatments (when really corns and hard skin are completely different and can usually be easily removed).

After diagnosis, we will offer you the range of treatments available, the pros and cons of each and get started on ridding these nasty things from your feet!
